NEXDEX is hosted on its own standalone L1 blockchain which is built using advanced technologies for professional DEX trading, such as on-chain order book and protection from Front-running attacks through the use of Frequent Batch Auction (FBA) algorithm. L1 provides users with a completely open and secure trading process. And the responsibility for all network validator fees is taken care of by the foundation, you only pay trading fees.

Links to the NEXDEX Chain documentation can be found here.

Core advantages

  • Order speed = Block speed 0,9 sec.

  • Protection against Front-running attacks within a block thanks to the order execution algorithm.

  • Storing only necessary information by nodes is a bonus to speed.

  • Parallelism-friendly algorithm for determining the market order price.

  • Low gas fees for sending transactions for trading directly through the blockchain, or no fees at all for trading through the NEXDEX trading interface.

  • All transactions, including order execution, Trading and Staking Rewards distributions, are done on-chain.

  • Cosmos SDK and Tendermint - a proven recipe for building high-performance and reliable blockchains.

  • Openness of all information within the L1 blockchain framework.

  • Seamless. Having a wallet on the Ethereum Mainnet is sufficient to start using NEXDEX. Even if you don't have USDT ERC20 tokens, you can exchange your tokens for them through the natively integrated cross-chain bridge. In fact, the blockchain acts as a Clearinghouse for user balances, while the assets themselves are stored on the Ethereum network for a simplified entry threshold.

  • There is no need to sign every order placed. Immediately after connecting your wallet, NEXDEX generates a sub-account for you in NEXDEX Chain based on the connected wallet from Ethereum Mainnet. You can always unload your NEXDEX secret key.

Last updated